Depending on the background of the citizen, the police uniform can elicit emotions ranging from pride and respect, to fear and anger.
Tampere. Poliiseja, poliiseja ja poliiseja. Lasken Hämeenkadun ja Hämeenpuiston risteyksessä 18 maijaa. Kadun molemmin puolin mellakkavarusteisiin sonnustautuneet poliisti estävät ikkunaostokset. Tilanne on absurdi. Edessä marssii hieman yli 50 hengen kapitalismin vastainen mielenosoitus ja kadunvaltaus, joka vaatii kaupunkitilaa takaisin kansalle.
Police officers and prison guards hold tremendous political sway. Their unions support or opposition can make or break a campaign for office. And their advocacy for better pay, more power, and more jobs has been a major factor in the expansion of the prison industrial complex. For decades, they’ve helped build America’s build America’s criminal justice system.
The U.S. had been moving toward a total police state since about 1913; but in 2012 the final nail in the coffin of democracy and justice was hammered into place with the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act.
The rest of the world now sees the United States as a rogue nation, led by a power-grabbing madman who has, in six short years, taken us to the threshold of Police State tyranny, all while claiming to be protecting the Constitution.
As an often quoted adage says, “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” Unfortunately, the master-servant relationship that once had the government answering to “we the people” has been reversed. Government agents now act as if they are the masters and we are the servants. Nowhere is this more evident than in the transformation of police officers from benevolent keepers of the peace to inflexible extensions of the military hyped up on the power of their badge.
In fact, the only real war being fought by the U.S. government today is the war on the American people, and it is being waged with deadly weapons, militarized police, surveillance technology, laws that criminalize otherwise lawful behavior, private prisons that operate on quota systems, and government officials who are no longer accountable to the rule of law.
Oh, how my heart breaks when I have to write stories like this, it truly does. Armed police arresting people for not have a license to cut hair! And how I wish that I could tell you that what happened in Florida is an isolated incident, but I can't because it's not. More and more, all across this once-free land of ours, stories like these repeat themselves with a disgusting frequency. Norman Rockwell wouldn't know where he was if he was alive today.
The United States is in a serious state
of decline, and in a desperate attempt to keep things together, the
United States is rapidly being transformed into a totalitarian Big
Brother police state.
If someone were to ask you for an
example of a “totalitarian society”, how would you respond? Most
Americans would probably think of horribly repressive regimes such as
the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, East Germany or
North Korea, but the truth is that there is one society that has far
more rules and regulations than any of those societies ever dreamed
of having. In the United States today, our lives are governed by
literally millions of laws, rules and regulations that govern even
the smallest details of our lives, and more laws, rules and
regulations are constantly being added.
Useita vuosikymmeniä sitten tapahtuneiden rikosten selvittäminen on toki vaikeaa ja vaatii vahvaa näyttöä.
Lapsen seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön rangaistussäännöksiä tulee myös tiukentaa.
Lakialoitteessani esitin, että lapsen seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä minimirangaistus nostettaisiin yhteen vuoteen ja törkeästä tekomuodosta kahteen vuoteen vankeutta, jolloin rangaistus olisi aina ehdoton.
Lapsen suojelemisen näkökulmasta myös esimerkiksi maalaamalla, piirtämällä tai muulla vastaavalla tavalla valmistetut lapsen sukupuolisiveellisyyttä loukkaavat kuvat voivat antaa viestin, että lapsiin kohdistuviin seksuaalirikoksiin suhtaudutaan hyväksyvästi. Tämä ei ole tavoiteltavaa, minkä vuoksi tällaisten muiden kuin todellisuuspohjaisten kuvien levittäminen ja hallussapito tulee selvästi kriminalisoida.
Myös piirretty, maalattu tai muulla vastaavalla tavalla valmistettu lapsipornografia voi aiheuttaa haittaa käyttäjälleen, vaikka sen tekemisessä ei olisikaan lapsiuhria. On täysin mahdollista, että esimerkiksi sarjakuvan muodossa esitetty lapsipornografia altistaa pedofiliaan taipuvaista henkilöä edelleen syvemmälle lapsipornoaddiktioon.
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